Over 4.4 million people in England are part of the gig economy – which is any workplace where employees are not guaranteed a set number of hours or salaries from week to week, and they are free to work for multiple companies at the same time. This means that more and more workers are choosing to be their own bosses rather than working traditional jobs. 1 in every 4 adults is earning an income this way, and most of them work in the service industry. It’s a growing sector which shows no signs of slowing down.

PCO car drivers are now becoming part of the gig economy too, offering their services directly to customers rather than working through an agency like Uber. But are they getting a good deal? Are they getting the benefits they deserve? And, most importantly, is this a good idea for everyone concerned?

Continue reading to learn how the gig economy can have a positive impact on your career as a PCO car driver.

Gig Economy in the UK

The UK’s “gig economy” is defined as any type of work where individuals are not tied to a specific employer. On February 2021, the Supreme Court announced that PCO car drivers working for ride-sharing apps like Uber should be classified as self-employed workers rather than employees. Thereby, companies changed the employment policies and allowed drivers to work independently as freelancers to earn money on their own terms. This was a victory for drivers who wanted to dictate the terms of their working relationship.

The new status has seen an increase in the growth of gig economy workers in the UK. There are more than 214,000 PCO car hire drivers in England with demand and revenue expected to grow in the next few years.

What does the Gig Economy offer to PCO Drivers?

Flexible Schedule

In the gig economy, you’re completely free to work when and how you want. You can work full-time, part-time, or even earn extra money on the side by picking up a few extra shifts here and there. There’s no strict limit on the number of hours you can work per week, which means you can pick and choose when you want to be most productive.

PCO car driver waiting for a passenger

You can also take time off when you need to without worrying about losing your source of income. Of course, this also means that you may not always be able to work when it’s most convenient or profitable for you.

Enjoy Independence

PCO car drivers can be their bosses, which gives them more control over their working lives. As gig workers, they aren’t bound to a regular, set schedule, and they don’t have to answer to anybody else except their customers. Moreover, drivers don’t have to attend meetings, have progress reviews with their employers, or follow a rigid dress code. This gives them the freedom to manage their time however they want.

Set Your Own Hours

One of the best things about the gig economy for PCO car drivers is that you get to decide when you want to work and how much you want to work. You can work on a full-time basis, a part-time basis, or just whenever you have a few spare hours in your schedule. This means you can make the most of your available time to do the things you want to do. It also gives you the flexibility to take time off whenever you need it without worrying about losing your full-time job.

Control Over Your Earnings

As an independent contractor in the gig economy, you get to set the terms for your engagements. You decide how many hours you want to work, what rates you charge, and what clients you work with. You can tailor your business to suit your needs and the needs of your clients. As a result, you have greater control over your income than you do when you work as a salaried employee.

A parked Kia E-Niro

As a self-employed individual, you are responsible for filing your taxes and making contributions to your retirement accounts. You don’t receive an employer contribution to your retirement fund or a matching contribution from your employer. You also don’t get to take annual paid vacation days as salaried employees do.

Taxes and Expenses

Additionally, getting a car serviced may cost quite a bit more than maintaining your car yourself. This is why you should consider getting a PCO car for rent, so you don’t have to worry about the costs of maintenance and repairs. Kia e-Niro, Toyota Prius Plus, and other PCO electric cars are easier to maintain than typical cars because they are equipped with the latest technology and advanced safety features.

Increasing Demand for PCO Car Drivers

The increase in demand for PCO car drivers has largely been driven by several trends. These factors include an increased focus on improving customer experiences, the rise of e-commerce, the development of self-driving vehicles, and the rise of the sharing economy. Today, more people are using the services of PCO drivers to transport them from their homes to various locations around the city.

With more people opting to use a PCO car, more PCO drivers are needed to transport passengers to their destinations. Now is the time to become a PCO driver and start earning money on the side. You don’t need previous experience to become a PCO driver. You just need to be over 21 years of age and have a valid driver’s license.

PCO car on the road

If you or someone you know are looking for a PCO car-for-hire company, we can help! At G&M Direct Hire, we offer a wide range of PCO cars and PCO electric cars to our customers.

Contact us today to learn more about us and our services.

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