When the major part of your day involves driving, it’s easy to develop certain habits that can damage your car in the long run. This leads to costly repairs, passenger dissatisfaction, unexpected breakdowns, incidents, and many other issues. As a PCO car driver in Streatham, your car is the major source of your income. Therefore, you must drive carefully and get rid of the habits discussed below.

Ignoring Warning Lights

Modern vehicles feature multiple warning lights that illuminate when there’s something wrong with the car. Ignoring these lights can lead to major car issues, affecting your PCO driving.

These lights can indicate some internal issues so it’s worth reading the owner’s manual to understand what each light means. This will help you recognise the most serious ones so you can immediately address them without risking your and your passengers’ lives.

Running on Low Fuel

Most drivers are guilty of running their cars on low fuel; they either forget or are usually getting late for their next ride. However, this can damage your car in the long run. Fuel not only helps your engine run but also acts as a coolant and lubricant for the pump.

With low fuel levels, the pump experiences increased wear and tear, which can lead to failure, unexpected breakdowns, and expensive replacements.

Overloading the Car

While many PCO cars are capable of carrying heavy loads, you should still be careful with the amount of weight you put on your vehicle.

PCO cars run relatively more than regular cars and carry a lot of weight on a daily basis. Any unnecessary load in your trunk can put extra strain on your brakes, suspension, and overall vehicle.  In addition, a fully loaded car also uses more fuel.

Running the Engine when It’s Cold

Before you start driving, the vehicle needs some time to warm up the oil and circulate it around the engine. Waiting for your engine to warm up helps reduce wear and tear. However, many drivers rev the engine when it’s cold, leading to significant damage.

Aggressive Braking

Driving a PCO car in a busy area like Streatham may require you to perform an emergency stop every now and then. However, consistent late braking is detrimental to the condition of your car. It increases the wear and tear on brake pads and discs, consumes more fuel, and puts strain on the overall braking system of the vehicle.

Sudden braking can also be uncomfortable for your passengers and may lead to injuries. Make sure you use a steady and considerate approach while driving and push brakes gently.

Shifting Gears to Reduce the Speed

Some drivers try to reduce their speed by shifting gears or by opting for engine braking, which can damage the clutch and transmission. Doing this at high speeds reduces the lifespan of the engine. It’s best to gently push the brake pedals to reduce the speed.

PCO car for rent in Streatham

G&M Direct Hire is a PCO car hire company in Streatham, London. We offer hybrid and electric cars for rent to PCO drivers at affordable rates. From Kia e-Niro to Toyota Prius Plus, you can get modern, well-maintained cars from us. Contact us for details.

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