Driving at night may seem like the same ordeal as driving during the day for beginner PCO drivers. However, it is nowhere near similar. PCO drivers have a greater risk of accidents at night, especially inexperienced drivers. The late-night crash rates for inexperienced PCO drivers are 7 times higher than daytime rates. That’s because nighttime driving requires more energy, focus, and skills. 

If you are a PCO driver who’s considering driving at night to make good money, we have created a guide to nighttime driving for PCO drivers. Read on to find some useful insights and tips.

A Guide to Nighttime Driving for PCO Drivers

Before you decide to take on nighttime driving, you should first prepare yourself for it.

1-Get Your Eyes Tested


Although you should regularly get your eyes tested every year, it is essential to ensure that you have the correct prescription if you are driving in the dark. 

After you get your eyes tested, make sure you don’t buy tinted glasses, as they can sometimes obscure your vision. Moreover, when driving with your glasses on, do not look directly at any headlights of oncoming vehicles, as they may cause momentary blindness and lead to accidents.

2-Keep Your Closed Ones in the Loop About Your Timings and Route

If you decide to take on nighttime driving as a PCO driver, you should tell a family member or a friend about the route you will be driving on and the times you choose. They should know when you should be returning home from work so they can look out for you. This can help ensure your safety as well as your peace of mind. 

pco car

3-Keep a Tab on Your Tiredness Level

One of the most important things you should do when driving during the night is to note your fatigue level. If you are too exhausted to drive, skip the night and take a break. This is especially essential if you are planning long routes. You can also take rest stops between rides to take a nap or a coffee break. 

4-Resist Speeding 

Roads are less busy and quiet during the night, tempting you to speed up on empty roads. Resist this temptation and always keep an eye on your speed. You should also look out for weather conditions, pedestrians, and cyclists on the road, as they may not be visible in the dark. If you see a cyclist on the road, maintain a safe distance from them, as an unexpected pothole or puddle can put both of you in a dangerous position. 

5-Keep an Emergency Kit at All Times


If you are driving at night, especially during the winter, you should keep an emergency kit with you in case your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. It’s hard to find help at night, especially during winter. You will feel eternally grateful that you kept an emergency pack in your car if your car ever breaks down. 

6-Give Extra Space to Other Drivers

When driving at night, keep some extra distance from other drivers on the road. Many drunk drivers on the road at night are not careful. Therefore, you should take the necessary precautions and give extra space to them. Since it is hard to estimate the distance and speed in the dark, allowing some extra space between you and the next car can help you avoid any accidents. 

7-Check Your Headlights for Damage


Since you will be driving at night, you will have to rely a lot on your headlights. Before starting your first ride, clean and inspect your headlights for any damage. If there are broken bulbs in the front or rear lights, make sure to get them replaced. You should also set the lights at the right height so that you don’t blind any oncoming drivers, leading to an accident. Always remember to dip your headlights for the safety of oncoming traffic. 

8-Get 7+ Hours of Sleep


Driving when you are sleepy is the same as drunk driving. If you decide to take on nighttime driving, you must get 7+ hours of sleep every day. You should not be sleep-deprived when you are driving at night; otherwise, you will jeopardise your own and your passengers’ lives. 

Make sure you are sleeping properly. You should also take breaks between rides to get a cup of coffee. Moreover, put the windows down for a few minutes to let the fresh air keep you active. 

9-Keep the Windscreen and Mirrors Squeaky Clean


Before taking the car out to drive, clean your windscreen and the mirrors so that there is no condensation or glare. Do not wipe the windscreen or the mirrors with your hands. Use a newspaper or a microfiber cloth with windshield cleaners to ensure that your windscreen is smear-free. 

If there is frost on your windscreen, use hot tap water to clear it. You must clean your windscreen and mirrors every day so that your visibility is not compromised in the dark.

10-Drive Defensively

Last but not least, drive defensively! You need to exercise a great deal of care as a PCO driver if you are opting for nighttime driving. You should ensure that your passengers feel safe and that you are driving smoothly. Make sure to check the mirrors after every few seconds, minimise all the distractions, including your mobile phone, and maintain a safe distance from other cars, cyclists, and pedestrians on the road.

Final Thoughts

We hope these tips will come in handy for nighttime driving for PCO drivers. For more tips, rules, and regulations, and to rent the best PCO cars, hop on to G&M Direct Hire today!

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