As being a private driver in big cities is getting more and more popular for part-time or even full-time jobs, we thought it would be a nice idea to review a PHV driver’s daily life to see what’s going on. This way, those who tend to join a rideshare platform or work as a PCO driver in London can have a correct perspective on life changes due to a new career. Although different lifestyles can change routines, we tried to mention the most common events of becoming a private driver.

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Who is a PCO (PHV-private hire) driver?

Hearing the word PCO, the most probable idea coming to your mind could be working as an Uber driver. Yes, that’s right, but this is not the only option. PCO driver refers to any minicab or taxi driver who can be a member of either one or more rideshare apps. PHV drivers in the UK need to obtain a PCO licence to work officially instead of a driving licence.

Responsibilities of a private driver

The primary responsibility of PHV drivers is to take their passengers to the desired destination. This short trip needs to be done safely while the client feels entirely convenient arriving at the destination on time. Some other tasks done by a private driver can be delivering a specific package (including food, boxes, et cetera) or even pets.

In other words, a PCO driver is responsible for transporting people (or people’s properties) from somewhere to somewhere else under the conditions of the rideshare policies.

Daily routines of PCO drivers

In order to have accurate data to offer in this section, we reviewed some PHV drivers’ interviews, and here is the combination of the reported routines:

The workday of a PCO driver can start anytime in the day or at night! Because there are always some passengers out there looking for a cab to take. Long story short, PCO drivers are their own BOSS! This is one of the cool features of this job that fascinates drivers. Therefore, you may find a PHV driver working the night and another on day shifts. One can work 5 hours per day, and another works 9 hours. The point is, that lifestyle plays an important role in this case.

When the workday starts, drivers start browsing for riders on rideshare apps which can start from their house door or after hours of wandering in the streets till finding the right trip.

pco car

Ultimately, the most critical part of a PCO driver’s work routine is the vehicle. Research shows that many private drivers prefer not to use their personal car for work. Sometimes, their vehicle is not qualified for the job, and sometimes they feel damage might happen to their car. In this case, PCO drivers look for PCO rental car companies (and we are one of them!).

Now PCO drivers are prepared to join Uber (or similar rideshare apps) with Uber-ready PCO cars.

Keys to being a successful PHV driver

In every job, there are a few keys to success; being a PHV driver follows the same rule. You will indeed be a successful private driver if you have a determined frame.

  1. Always listen to your clients, make sure the route is what they expected, try to make them feel relaxed during the ride, and make them trust you.
  2. Try to have short breaks between trips to avoid being tired during work time.
  3. Be a safe driver to get better ranks. Better ranks mean a higher chance of taking passengers
  4. Be a sociable and friendly driver. Make the trip a pleasant experience for both you and your client.
  5. Try to have a clear plan for working. Set your clock to work according to your goals.
  6. Have an efficient car, as it is everything in this career. At G&M direct hire, you can find the best PCO cars to hire. (if you need a PCO car rental plan, check our website right now and contact us for further information.)

Eating, drinking, and break times on the shift

If you work more than 3 hours per day, you surely need some snacks, drinks, meals, and break times to refresh your energy. It is necessary to always keep snacks and water in your car so no time would be wasted buying them during work time. However, make sure you have frequent breaks between rides.

In the first days of work, you may be unfamiliar with takeaways and cafes on your way, but little by little, you can find the best ones. This is your career; you are the boss, so you need to make it lovely by adding break flavours.

How much does a PCO driver make per day?

At the most important part of this article, we provided a standard income of a full-time private hire driver to see whether it is worth it to become a PCO driver or not. Depending on the region you work, working hours, workdays, and PHV operator you work with, the earning of private drivers varies. Even though estimations show, that a full-time PHV driver in the UK can reach above the average income if they find the best locations to work. In other words, it is worth it to work as a PCO driver. Still, you need to be professional to earn above the average, and being a professional in any field requires hard work, experience, and effort.

We hope reading our blog posts gives you the essential experience helping you prepare yourself for the other success factors.

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