Being a PCO car driver can bring excellent benefits, whether you’re searching for a full-time or part-time job. You will be able to work whenever and as much as you want, you will always have customers, and you can earn a handsome amount of money. However, you must also adhere to some PCO rules

What are these rules, though? Well, you will have the answer to this question in a few moments as you read through this article. While some might surprise you, others you may have guessed already. Let’s begin.

PCO Cab Driver Requirements 

Before we share the top PCO rules of the road, let’s take a minute to understand what a PCO car is. 

PCO cars are usually minivans or 4-door private cabs available for rent. To work as a PCO cab driver, you must also fulfil a few conditions, including:

Bus Stop Rules For PCO Drivers

pco car

As a PCO driver, you must avoid using bus stops to drop off or pick up passengers at any time, or you will increase your likelihood of getting fined. In fact, even if passengers ask you to drop them off or pick them up from the bus lane, please explain to them that you will run the risk of getting fined. Then, proceed to look for an alternative location that a passenger can get to quickly.

Bus Lane Rules For PCO Drivers


There is a lot of confusion about how PCO drivers should approach bus lanes. That said, cab drivers can drop off or pick up passengers from the bus lane. However, they are forbidden to drive in bus lanes during operation hours. 

That being said, please don’t use this as an opportunity to hang around. Otherwise, you risk getting fined for a break. Furthermore, PCO rules state those cab drivers should enter and leave the bus lane as safely and directly as possible.

Double Yellow Line PCO rules

Another PCO rule that can amount to much confusion amongst cabs for rent and PCO drivers is dropping off or picking up passengers from double yellow lines. Dropping off or picking up passengers is only allowed on double and single red and yellow lines in locations where unloading and loading are prohibited, like bus lanes and parking bays. 

Double Yellow Line PCO rules

You should also ensure that you turn on your vehicle’s hazard lights before pulling in and pulling out of the lanes safely!

Single Yellow Line PCO rules

The rules that are mentioned above apply to single yellow lines as well. 

Being a PCO driver can sometimes be exhausting. Therefore, you deserve breaks when you’re on the job as doing so recharges your mind and body. However, if you’re parking your car somewhere, you need to ensure that you don’t overstay your welcome. 

In fact, when you’re getting back to work, please make sure that you look at the ‘no return’ waiting times to prevent the avoidable PCN. 

Furthermore, also remain mindful of car parks in commercial areas. They force you to purchase something from their store to use their parking space!

Box Junction Rules


Box junctions are the scourge of PCO drivers everywhere in London. There is a high chance that you might get fined when you enter one. So, please don’t enter until you know there is ample space for your car. 

Not to mention, only stop in the yellow junction box if you’re taking a right turn and you’re prevented from doing so by other vehicles waiting to turn right or by oncoming traffic.

A Few Best-Practices For PCO Car Drivers

Always Be Polite To Everyone

Firstly, don’t forget that your passengers are also your customers and are paying you for a service. Therefore, try to be courteous and polite to them during the journey. 

After all, a rude demeanour or poor behaviour can affect the ratings the passenger gives you!

Don’t Forget To Keep A Record Of Your Travels

While passengers are the heart and soul of being a  PCO driver, it’s crucial to think about the journeys you take day in and day out. Such a thing is of the utmost importance as it will allow you to claim back expenses such as petrol and parking depending on your mileage. 

Furthermore, such a practice can also be beneficial for deducing how much you earn in any given month, week, or night by learning about your driving habits.

Always Go For a Ride By Yourself

Always Go For a Ride By Yourself

If you’re new to the whole PCO driving gig, consider making use of another private hire such as Uber. Doing so will allow you to ask your driver questions about working for their PCO provider, details about various PCO rules of the road, and how to deal with passengers if issues arise. 

Furthermore, it will also give you an idea of what it’s like to drive in a city like London! So, try it out first!

Wrapping Up

Typically, London cab drivers should always be aware of general road rules. However, if you’re looking to become a PCO driver yourself, learn everything you can about the PCO rules of the road. Failing to do so could put you at risk of heavy fines, which could translate into financial losses. Furthermore, don’t forget to visit G&M Direct Hire to rent a Pco car that fits your needs. They have a vast collection of vehicles to choose from, so get your PCO car today and start earning money!

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