As a PCO driver in one of the busiest cities in the world, it’s important to always prioritize safety while on the road. Not only does it protect you and your passengers, but it also ensures that you’re following the rules and regulations set by the Public Carriage Office.

In fact, according to a recent study, nearly 70% of all accidents involving Uber drivers are caused by driver error. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of essential PCO driver safety tips for drivers in London to help you avoid potential dangers on the road.

From understanding the importance of defensive driving to being prepared for various weather conditions, implementing these tips can significantly reduce your chances of getting into an accident.

So, let’s explore the top PCO driver safety tips that every ride-sharing driver should know!

1. Maintain a Safe Following Distance

Maintaining a safe following distance is absolutely essential for PCO drivers, not just for their safety but also for the safety of their passengers and other road users.

The general rule of thumb is to follow the “2-second rule” or “3-second rule”. This rule helps establish a safe following distance at any speed.

Here is how you can apply it;

When following a vehicle, pick a stationary object on the side of the road, like a tree, sign, or building. Once the vehicle ahead passes the object, start counting “one thousand one, one thousand two” and change it depending on whether you’re using the 2-second or 3-second rule.

You should not reach the object before you finish counting. If you do, it means you’re following too closely and must drop back.

During bad weather conditions, heavy traffic, or at night, increasing the following distance is advisable.

2. Be Aware of Local Regulations

Another PCO driver safety tip for staying safe on the road is to stay aware of local regulations.

These regulations are established by the Public Carriage Office (PCO) and Transport for London (TfL) to ensure that all drivers maintain a high standard of safety, professionalism, and service for passengers.

A few key regulations that you should keep in mind include;

3. Use Indicators and Mirrors Effectively

Using indicators and mirrors effectively is integral to safe driving, especially for PCO drivers.

Mirrors are essential for maintaining awareness of the situation around your vehicle. They help track other vehicles and understand their speed and position on the road.

Indicators, on the other hand, are all about communication. They allow you to signal your intentions to other road users well in advance. This could be when planning to change lanes, turn into a road, or park your vehicle.

Try following the Mirror-Signal-Manoeuvre (MSM) routine for safe driving. First, use your mirrors to assess the situation around you. Then, if it’s safe, signal your intent. Finally, execute your manoeuvre.

Checking your blind spots is another tip that you should keep in mind. These are the spots that you can’t see. Always try to cover these areas before changing lanes or turning.

4. Use Caution at Junctions & Intersections

Navigating through junctions and intersections without care is like juggling knives in a crowded room – it is dangerous!

Intersections and junctions often involve complex manoeuvres and require careful attention as vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians intersect from different directions. These locations are common for accidents due to the complexity of traffic movements.

When driving through junctions and intersections;

It is not only a tip, but as per the law, code 170-183, you should drive cautiously at junctions.

5. Avoid Mobile Phone Use

One of the most important PCO driver safety tips is to avoid using mobile phones when driving.

This is because using a phone while driving can distract you from the road, potentially leading to serious accidents. For instance, imagine driving at 30mph and looking at your phone for just 5 seconds – in that time, you’d have travelled around 67 miles blindfolded!

Also, the London laws are very clear about this. As per the UK Highway Code, holding a phone or sat nav while driving is illegal. You could get 6 penalty points on your license and a £200 fine; in severe cases, you can also use your license.

So, remember, when you’re behind the wheel, your focus should be on the road, not on your phone.

6. Avoid Driving When Fatigued

Avoiding driving when tired is a critical PCO driver safety tip. 

Fatigue can severely impair your reaction times, decision-making abilities, and overall performance behind the wheel. Think of it as navigating through a dense fog – everything becomes unclear, and the chances of making a wrong turn or missing a hazard increase dramatically.

Psychologically, fatigue affects our cognitive functioning. When we’re tired, our brain’s ability to process information slows down, and we’re more likely to make errors or overlook important details.

In fact, being awake for 18 hours straight can impair driving ability as much as having a blood alcohol level that’s considered legally drunk.

If you are a PCO driver and often feel tired, don’t push yourself to keep driving. Take a break, rest, and only then get back on the road.

7. Regularly Check Your Vehicle

Regular vehicle checks are like the vitamins for your car – they keep it healthy and running smoothly! This is especially important for PCO drivers, where their vehicle is their livelihood.

Let’s say you ignore that squeaky brake for too long; next thing you know, you’re unable to stop in time at a zebra crossing which isn’t an ideal situation, and it can be very dangerous.

Checking components such as tyres, brakes, lights, oil, and coolant levels regularly can prevent unexpected breakdowns and ensure the safety of your passengers and other road users.

Also, if you used a rented car as a PCO driver, look for companies that offer top-notch vehicles designed for comfort and efficiency.

8. Plan Your Route in Advance

Imagine you’re driving a passenger to Heathrow Airport, but you miss the turn-off because you aren’t familiar with the route. Now you’re stuck in traffic on the M25, and your passenger is at risk of missing their flight.

Not a good look! This is why planning your route in advance is important.

Planning your route beforehand allows you to face potential bottlenecks, identify alternative routes, and ensure a smooth ride for your passengers. You can use navigation apps, study road maps, or even familiarise yourself with common routes during off-peak hours.

It’s not just one of the many PCO driver safety tips; it’s also a great way to provide excellent customer service and maintain a high satisfaction rating.

9. Adhere to Speed Limits

Sticking to the speed limit is a fundamental safety tip for PCO drivers. Speed limits are set not only to regulate traffic but also to ensure the safety of all road users.

When a driver exceeds the speed limit, it reduces their ability to steer safely around curves or objects in the roadway. For example, if a child unexpectedly stepped onto the road, a vehicle travelling at the appropriate speed limit would have a much higher chance of stopping in time than a speeding vehicle.

In fact, research has shown that even a slight increase in speed can significantly raise the risk of an accident.

As per law on Central London roads, you should drive your car at a lowered speed limit of 20 mph.

10. Keep an Eye on Weather Changes

In a city like London, where the weather can change faster than the blink of an eye, being weather-aware can make a world of difference to your day.

Being alert to weather changes allows you to handle potential difficulties on the road.

For example, heavy rain can lead to slippery conditions and reduced visibility, while strong winds might require more careful vehicle handling. 

You can adjust your driving style and routes by staying updated with weather forecasts. To stay updated, you may use weather forecast apps.

Wrapping Up!

Being a PCO driver is more than just knowing the quickest route from A to B. It requires vigilance, preparation, and a keen awareness of the conditions around you.

From planning your routes in advance, sticking to the speed limit, to keeping an eye on the ever-changing London weather, each PCO driver safety tip plays a crucial role in ensuring you, your passengers, and other road users stay safe on the roads.

Speaking of staying safe and efficient on the road, if you are a PCO driver looking for cars on rent, opt for G&M Direct Hire. We are a dedicated PCO car rental company that knows exactly what you need to excel in your job. 

We don’t just rent cars; we provide a complete package tailored for PCO drivers.

So contact us now if you want an insured car for rent!

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