Every season is a new chapter of work life. This new chapter may have new barriers as well as new opportunities, but you will make the most of it as you are a G&M Direct Hire blog reader! We are here to give you essential tips to turn all the upcoming into opportunities to earn more as a PCO driver. This is a Summer Special post, and reading it is advised to every PCO driver. Fasten your seat belts and get ready for the most enjoyable working season of all time.

PCO drivers behavior in summer

Content overview

Work-Life Balance in the UK

Due to the increase in human resources demand in every field, there are multiple job options in the UK, people sometimes are committed to over-work! This issue highly affects the work-life balance and makes many people mentally tired. As a result, the whole lifestyle is changed to an unhealthy routine.

Generally, regardless of the job field, every worker needs leisure time and annual vacations, which brings more excitement and creativity. Therefore, summer can be considered the best time to enjoy recreation and increase earnings. Well, it sounds a bit paradoxical, but that’s the secret to a healthy work-life balance in the UK and all around the world.

pco car

 What do PCO drivers do during the summer?

In summer, many things may change as there is no teacher taking cabs, no student going to school, etc., meaning a significant loss of clients in summer. On the other hand, tourists may run to your region, which means excellent client earnings. So what to do as a PCO driver during summer to make the best of it?

A PCO driver driving during summer

Don’t miss the airports and train stations during the summer if you are in a city full of tourist attractions like London. moreover, there can be a few intercity trips combined with business and pleasure.

To improve mental health and work efficiency, it is highly recommended to driver to take short term holidays during summer. It will not only allows you to spend some time with your family and loved ones, but also it will help you to better focus on your work.

Tips to earn more in summer

  1. Don’t miss the power of A/C! Make sure the air conditioner works properly and be generous in using it during every trip. Believe it or not, passengers are more likely to tip you better when they find your vehicle cool in the heat.
  2. Be smart. Drive at a safe speed and find the best routes to reach the destination. Even if the rider asked you for another route, explain to them you know a better way; however, if they were not convinced, go with their choice.
  3. Airports, train stations, bus terminals, etc., are more crowded during summer so spend a few days a week working there.
  4. Make your car smell perfect. In summer you may face some matters affecting your car so badly. Maybe a tired passenger going back home from a hard day poured snacks on the seats, or perhaps other issues happened that polluted the vehicle a bit; either way, have some sprays in the car to smell great. You can spray a little inside the A/C gates to spread the smell all over the vehicle.
  5. Although it can be hard to work during boiling hours (probably 12 to 4 pm), you can earn more tips. However, rush hour in summer can be early mornings and evenings, highly depending on your region.
  6. Don’t miss applying sunscreen on all the visible parts of your skin. After all, we don’t want you to hurt your skin during work!
Summer road tips for PCO drivers to know

Summer tools on the road

There is some equipment to always keep in the car during the summer. Make sure to have them all in the trunk.


Although some PCO drivers may find seasonal changes a little challenging, to a well prepared and highly informed driver, seasonal changes are rather enjoyable and also opportunities to target more earning. As we are reaching summer, we decided to make a list of tips for PCO drivers to make the best of summer by working for Uber or other rideshare platforms. You can also have some special tips for yourself that can be added to this list. Ultimately, our goal is to prepare useful information to lead you and your working life into the perfect stage.

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