A growing number of people in the U.K. are getting PCO licences to take advantage of the growing demand for private car services. Contractual employees can take advantage of PCO rentals and their PCO vehicle options. As more and more individuals realise the upsides of this opportunity, the amount of PCO car drivers has increased, and businesses have become more accommodating of this trend.

PCO rental companies are ideal for those just starting in the private hire industry who aren’t quite ready to commit themselves fully to the field. You can find a wide selection of well-maintained, ready-to-go fleets at PCO car hires in Chelsea, Ilford, Acton, and several others in London.

Regardless of this being case, many people are still hesitant to use PCO car rentals since they have reservations about the quality and dependability of the services they provide. If you are looking for helpful information regarding PCO car hire in Ilford, PCO car hire in London, or PCO car hire in South East London, you have come to the right place. On that note, let’s look at some tips and tricks that PCO car drivers can use to increase their earnings, be better drivers, cut down on expenses, and offer better services.

Tips On Hiring A PCO Rental Car

PCO vehicles are available for rental from PCO car rental agencies like G&M Direct Hire. Car rental services like these typically have a wide variety of PCO plans, allowing you to select the one that works best for your needs. It’s important to keep in mind that there are several prerequisites before renting a PCO vehicle. To name a few of these conditions:

driving a PCO rental

The fourth stipulation is flexible and can be adjusted to fit the needs of individual businesses. You will need the aforementioned paperwork and the contact information for a PCO car firm to get the ball rolling on renting PCO vehicles. Your next step is to evaluate all available plans and pick the one that best suits your needs. Finally, within a few days, you will obtain your PCO vehicle after completing the required paperwork.

It is important to remember that PCO rental vehicles are often Uber-ready, meaning that you won’t need any additional paperwork to register the vehicle with Uber. In addition, some ridesharing services will allow you to upload necessary documents for free, which is convenient for you and beneficial to the company.

Tips For PCO Drivers For Driving At Night

We’re all aware that driving late into the night in London is often the most rewarding time, particularly on the weekends. However, the risks increase because of reduced visibility and tired drivers. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents reports that night is the time of most accidents (40%). In addition, according to the Transportation Department, the deadliest hours on the roads are between 9 p.m. and 4 a.m.

driving PCO car in London

After crunching the facts, we found that nighttime accidents are increasing, so we compiled some guidelines to follow if you want to minimise risks when it’s dark outside. Before we get to that, we feel it is important to start with the dangers of night driving before diving into our tips for safe driving at night. Let’s take a look:

· Tiredness

It can be difficult to maintain focus after a long day behind the wheel of a PCO car. Accidents are more likely to occur when drivers are sleepy because they are less focused on the road and take longer to react. This is why PCO rental drivers can’t afford to drift off to sleep while behind the wheel for even a second.

· Visibility & Vision

When it’s dark out, it’s hard to see much. Regardless of the support of headlamps and street lamps, our ability to see in the dark is hindered in terms of depth perception, peripheral vision, and colour identification.

· Frost & Ice

Black ice makes driving in the mornings and evenings during colder months much more hazardous. Because of its deceptive appearance, black ice often catches drivers off guard.

 Uber car rental driver

· Speeding

It could be alluring to take advantage of the empty roads and reduced traffic at night to get from one place to the next as quickly as possible. When driving at higher speeds, it becomes increasingly difficult to see and avoid potential dangers in time to avoid them.

· Rush Hours

Traffic increases on Friday evenings and continues throughout the weekend. Even though we understand that these times can be particularly fruitful for PCO car drivers, we equally realise that they can be quite hazardous due to increased traffic and impatient drivers.

· Pedestrians & Passengers

One of the risks of being a PCO rental driver who works late shifts is dealing with intoxicated customers and bystanders. They can start singing and shouting at you, making it hard to keep your mind on the road.

Safety Driving Tips ForPCO Car Drivers

1. Breaks Are Important

Driving while drowsy is just as risky as driving under the influence of alcohol. If we doze off for even a second, we endanger ourselves and anybody else in the vehicle. If you find yourself yawning excessively or struggling to stay awake, it might be time to avoid taking rides for a while.

Human beings have a circadian rhythm that initiates sleepiness at night. As the night continues, this can make it difficult to stay awake. Driving while exhausted is quite risky. It is reported that approximately 20% of fatal motor vehicle collisions in the U.K. are caused by drivers who are sleeping at the wheel.

The moment you sense your eyelids getting heavy, it’s time to stop the car and rest. Taking a short nap, even for 15 minutes, can do wonders for your mental and physical performance. If you have a late-night booking, give yourself extra commute time so that you may rest if you feel the need to.

2. Ensure Your Vision Is Flawless

In the same way that routine auto maintenance is important, so too are routine eye exams. One of the most important aspects of safe driving is maintaining good eye health. Due to the excessive decreased visibility at night, perfect vision is even more crucial for safe driving. Generally speaking, people’s eyesight gets worse as they get older.

As a general rule, PCO car drivers above the age of fifty require much more light than their younger counterparts. That’s why it’s so difficult for many senior drivers to recognise possible dangers. Additionally, older motorists are more susceptible to having their eyes damaged by the glare of dipped headlamps and streetlights.

Others report seeing a halo surrounding lights after dark. You should see an eye doctor if you have trouble with any of these difficulties before getting back behind the wheel in low-light conditions.

3. Make Proper Use Of Your Headlights

You, of all people, as a PCO rental driver, should know that it is against the law to drive with any of your lights out. It is also important to make sure the lights are switched on when they should be and that they are functioning properly.

Do not use high beams unless you need them and there are no other cars in sight. Once visibility drops below 100 metres, that’s when you should turn on the fog lights. You should also shield your eyes from oncoming lights whenever possible.

4. Practice Safe Driving

Finally, while discussing driving at night, defensive driving is of the utmost importance. Driving defensively often entails employing methods to maintain control of the vehicle and keep your passengers relaxed and secure. Maintaining a comfortable distance between vehicles, routinely checking mirrors, and minimising distractions like cell phones are all standard practices.

A woman is charging her electric car in Chelsea

Tips for Car Drivers To Make The Most Of Their Electric Vehicles In Winters

Due to increased incentives, decreased prices, and other factors, numerous PCO rental drivers have made the shift to electric vehicles. If you’re a PCO car driver considering an EV, you should be aware that the range of these vehicles can be negatively impacted by harsh weather.

When the temperature drops, battery performance decreases. It’s common for batteries to generate less power and drain more rapidly in the cold, which can reduce the driving range of an electric vehicle. As much as 41% of a fully charged electric vehicle’s battery capacity can be lost when operating at temperatures as low as -6 degrees Celsius, according to prior studies by AAA.

We’ve compiled some tips for PCO car drivers to increase EV mileage throughout the winter months so they may earn more money. Let’s dive in.

1. Precondition The Battery

An EV battery needs a specific temperature to operate at its best.The majority of electric cars allow you to heat the battery as well as the interior before you begin your trip. Performing this task while the vehicle is still wired in will ensure that the battery remains at the optimal temperature and that no energy is wasted heating everything inside.

It’s a huge convenience for people who drive EV PCO rental cars to be able to hop into a warm vehicle without having to scrape the windshield first.

2. Ensure The Battery Doesn’t Go Below 20%

You should have at least 20% battery life before heading off. Bear in mind that electric vehicles need energy to operate the thermal management mechanisms that keep the battery heated for optimal performance. That being said, avoid draining the battery too much.

3. Understand How The ECO Mode Works

Familiarise yourself with your PCO rental vehicle. If there’s an ECO setting, utilise it to your advantage to save fuel and cut down on energy use. This system can help you get the most out of your winter driving by controlling your vehicle’s braking, acceleration, and heating. With the lowered torque, you’ll be able to drive more safely in icy conditions and snow.

4. Drive Gently

Saving energy is as simple as avoiding sudden accelerations and stops. Using the pedals more smoothly is an important part of eco-driving, which you should try to accomplish when operating an EV. One more way to conserve energy is through making strategic use of regenerative braking.

As a result, the technology is able to recoup energy lost when braking, making it ideal for downhill driving and heavy traffic conditions in urban areas. When it comes down to it, everyone benefits from a private hire trip that goes off without a hitch.

5. Inflate Your Tyres

In the colder months, all vehicles experience a natural decrease in tyre pressure due to the contraction of the air inside the tyres. Tyre pressure should be checked frequently and, if necessary, inflated to reduce resistance and drag. Be sure to see if you require winter tyres before heading out.

driving an electric PCO car in London

If you or someone you know is looking to kickstart their PCO career and is searching for PCO cars in London, then G&M Direct Hire is your best option. We are one of the best options for hiring PCO cars in London. We have a wide range of PCO rentals to choose from and also offer EV PCO cars for hire. Not just in London, but we also offer our services in South London, Chelsea, Tottenham, and many more different areas.

Get in touch with us today, and we’ll help you find the best PCO-licensed car in London that fits your requirements!

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